„Each one should give as much as he has decided on his own initiative, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9, 7
Your generosity broadens the boundaries of THE KINGDOM OF GOD! It pulls HEAVEN DOWN TO EARTH!
Thanks to your support we execute our projects.
Your bounty translates to our possibilities.

send a bank transfer:

Bank account:
09 1240 3796 1111 0010 7539 8928

Transfer title:
Darowizna na cele statutowe

Our details:
Fundacja Centrum Dobrej Nowiny
ul. Swietopelka 8/1, 89-600 Chojnice 

Details for foreign transfers:

SWIFT code:

IBAN number:
PL 09 1240 3796 1111 0010 7539 8928


There’s a relief from taxation possible for donations, up to 6% for natural persons and up to 10% for for corporate entities.

  • Natural persons supporting the Foundation may take advantage of the tax relief as set in art. 26 par. 6 pt. 9 a) of Polish Personal Income Tax Act, pursuant to which the tax base may be reduced by the sum of donations with the total amount of donations not exceeding 6% of income.
  • Corporate entities supporting the Foundation may take advantage of the tax relief as set in. art. 18 par. 1 pt. of Polish Corporate Income Tax Act, pursuant to which the tax base may be reduced by the sum of donations with the total amount of donations not exceeding 10% of income.

If you want to benefit from the aforementioned reliefs, the document which is required by the revenue is the confirmation of transfer.

„One scatters money around, yet only adds to his wealth,
another is excessively mean, but only grows the poorer.
The soul who blesses will prosper, whoever satisfies
others will also be satisfied.”

Proverbs 11, 24-25

Cieszymy się, że nas odzwiedziłeś 🙂

Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć, jak udaje nam się ściągać NIEBO na ziemię,

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